Saturday, May 19, 2012

Flowers for Elva!

Hello Readers!!!

Zebra Vase with Flowers
I'm back with some more awesome crafts!! My good friend Elva recently moved in to a new apartment and I immediately thought it was a perfect time to make her something for her new place.  Elva is obsessed with Zebra print so I knew for sure I had to incorporate that into the gift.  I decided to give her some flowers in a vase, but not just any flowers or any vase!

Things you will need:

  • Clear vase (any size and shape you want)
  • Assortment of Flowers
  • Acrylic paint
  • Flower tape
  • Wire cutters
I went to Michael's to get all my supplies because they had the best deals and I had seen zebra print flowers their before.  The red flowers are peonies.  After you have gathered all your supplies, then I suggest starting to paint first.  I decided to paint Zebra stripes on the vase, I also decided to paint her name as well.  First, I painted the whole vase with a layer of white.  After it dried I went back over with black paint, making stripes.  Her name was the last thing I painted on.

As I let the paint dry, I arranged the flowers.  I gathered all 6 stems peonies in my hand.  Then I slid the 2 zebra print flowers on top.  When I felt like they were in a good position, I used the flower tape to hold them together.  With my wire cutters, I cut the stems the length of the vase.  And presto a custom made vase with flowers!!!  A very easy way to make a center piece or simply add some flare to any room!

Keep reading for more crafts...
-Jess out!